Day 16 – 31 Ways To Overcome Burnout!
Pieces of paper have the power to do our head in!
How often do you need to find a receipt, a school form to sign or a bill to pay and you just can’t remember where you have put it?
I have a habit of walking in the front door, mail in hand and heading straight in to my bedroom to put my handbag down and kick off my shoes.
Important and not so important items of mail can pile up.
For many it is probably the kitchen bench that gets cluttered with mail, junk mail and receipts from shopping.
I have spent countless hours looking for a particular piece of paper, only to sometimes finally find it some obscure location.
Plan of action definitely required, to save time and sanity.
The first thing I did was arrange for every bill or statement that can arrive electronically to do so. Saves trees and time. I also set up two folders in my email account. One is labelled BILLS (pretty self explanatory) and one is labelled TAX TIME and this one I use for accounts and receipts of online purchases that are tax deductible. Saves so much time when I have to do my taxation each year.
The next step was to create a ONE STOP PAPERWORK STATION that is now the only place those pieces of paper get dumped!
If I want to keep a piece of paper for future reference, such as a statement, a receipt, a recipe I cut of a magazine to try etc. it gets placed in the filing tray.
If the piece of paper requires action, such as the pool man bill, a form for school that needs signing, it goes in the folder and every Monday I take the necessary action and place it in to the filing tray once it completed or send it off to wherever it has to go.
One a week, month or whenever the tray is full I file it away in my filing cabinet. You could use a simple expandable folder if you don’t have too much that you need to keep.
I now always know where something is and can find it in a flash.
This simple system works perfectly and saves sooooo much time.
Get to it and never struggle to find what you need again!
For all 31 Ways To Overcome Burnout start here.
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