Organise Yourself A Merry Christmas!

With a little planning and list making you can make Christmas this year full of merry!

Time is still on your side, leave it for tooooo much longer and a frazzled you will be.

organise yourself a merry christmas

All you need is a small notebook that you can carry in your handbag, an envelopeΒ and one large sheet of paper that can be folded up and stored in the notebook!


The large piece of paper is going to be your Master Shopping List.

Everything you know or think you will need for Christmas this year (excluding gifts) is going on this list.

This will be the year you DO NOT have to race to the shops on Christmas Eve or hunt down a 7/11 that is open on Christmas Day because you forgot something that you just have to have.

When you decide on a recipe you want to make, add the ingredients to the list.

When you decide on table settings or decorating idea’s, add what you need to the list.

Don’t forget important basics like batteries, sticky tape, serviettes, ice, sunscreen, insect repellant and toilet paper. Think about the kind of day you are planning and what things do you need to make it comfortable and enjoyable.

If a tough day with the relatives is on the cards, then don’t forget to add scotch!

When it gets closer to the big day, this is the perfect opportunity to try online shopping and save yourself the hassles of parking, battling the crowds and lugging home all that stuff. Just a word of warning, if you leave your delivery to Christmas Eve, you run the risk of the supermarket running out of stock and you missing out on important items. Have your order delivered on the 23rd and that gives you a day’s grace for anything you might have missed out on.


The envelope can also be folded up and tucked into the notebook, just make sure that every time you purchase a gift, electronic item etc. that may possibly be faulty or not suitable, you will be able to locate the receipt.

You can also use this to track your spending and keep an eye on your budget.


Sit down with a cup of coffee and make some mini lists.

1. Gifts you need before Christmas, such as teachers, work colleagues, family who live away.

2. Gifts you need at Christmas.

3. Menu plans & recipe ideas.

4. Craft ideas

5. School holiday fun at home to keep the kids busy whilst you are getting things organised.

6. Cocktails/drinks you would like to make.

7. Travel arrangements if you are going away, including what to pack.

8. If you prefer homemade gifts, what can you start making now. Make a batch or two of mini chocolate plum puddings that can be stored in the freezer until required or my famous Caramel fudge that can be made a couple of days in advance.

Breaking it up into smaller chunks, helps you focus on what needs to be done first andΒ does not make the whole task look too daunting.

Get all your ideas and plans out of your head and on to paper so you don’t have to keeping stressing and worrying that you will forget things.

Happy list making!

In the next post, I will give you all the tips you need to tackle that pressie shopping!

Do you like making lists or do you just wing it?

Sharing for #IBOT with Essentially

19 thoughts on “Organise Yourself A Merry Christmas!

  1. I love planning for Christmas. It’s my favourite time of year. Except for the bit where I want my house tidy. I’m never good at that bit any time of year and Christmas is no exception. I’d much prefer to be executing and planning gifts and a Christmas menu!

  2. I most certainly do write lists. The thought of having everything down on one piece of paper and seeing my items get crossed off fills me with excitement!! Sad I know. Someone told me recently that they have their Christmas list as an excel spreadsheet. It’s colour coded and everything. I have Christmas list envy now. I’m definitely going to create one like that πŸ™‚ #teamIBOT

  3. I am mostly organised every year then fate steps in and ruins it!! Last year a bout oof gastro, the year before severe all day morning sickness!!
    This year all I have left to do is write cards, wrap pressies and post all the stuff I need to.
    Love your tips. I buy bits during the year so when December rolls around it isn’t so overwhelming.

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