The last few days of the year, brings thoughts of the fresh New Year ahead and one very popular topic of discussion is what single word is going to be your guiding word for 2014.
Last year my word was partly successful and partly not so. You can read about it here.
This year I am going to strive to bring some balance to my very left-brained, controlling, planning, organising and self-critical brain, and just let go of ‘how’ things will work out and each moment for what it is. The exact path to my goals is not yet 100% clear, but the path will appear in good time.
Practicing being in the moment is not easy, but like all good things, practice makes perfect.
Even though I have lot’s of words that I would love to use, I have decided on one and for me that is….
Enjoying the moment, not focusing on what may or may not happen in the future.
Leaving guilt behind and doing things that bring me joy.
Stopping the critical little voice that often has too much to say and accept me exactly as I am.
Give thanks for all the wonders that are in my life instead of thinking about the things that are not here yet.
Being at peace with what is.
JOY is my goal, JOY is my focus and JOY will rule this year!
What word is going to guide you through 2014.
Wishing you a wonderful year of peace, achievement and satisfaction! 🙂