#365grateful – A Year Of Gratitude In Pictures!

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to uplift your energy to bring better things.

Quite simply, if you spend your life only wanting more, and not appreciating what you already have, you will constantly live a life of ‘wanting’ and not ‘having’.

When things are not going to plan it is easy to spend lot’s of time focused on the negative. But the quicker you can stop that focus and shift to gratitude, even if it is simply to give thanks for a lesson you might need to learn to move forward, you energy is more relaxed and positive, this attracts more to be grateful for.


#365grateful is a fun way to make sure that every day you find something in your life to be grateful for. You simply find one thing and photograph it.

This project was started a few years ago and is alive and well on social media. Join in and share what you are grateful for everyday and at the end of the year you will have pictorial evidence of the good things in your life.

I have decided to share mine on Instagram, follow along with me @wonderfullywomen and add the hashtage #365grateful and share with the world the goodness in your day.

Share your Instagram tag and I will follow along with you.

I love fun ways to stay motivated to focus on good things, this is sure is one of those! πŸ™‚

Sharing for #FYBF at With Some Grace.com

14 thoughts on “#365grateful – A Year Of Gratitude In Pictures!

  1. Sounds like a great idea, to have that gratefulness evidence at the end of the year. I’ve just started following you, and will join in when I remember to(I am hopeless!)

    1. Just a few minutes of focusing on what is good is such a valuable tool, so I am going to try to do it each day.

  2. I am terrible at following through with stuff like this consistently but I love the concept. I’ll look you up on Instagram and get inspired by you and contribute when I remember…or need to shift my focus!

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