A Gem Of An Idea!

Tumbled crystals for stress relief

Day 21 – 31 Ways To Overcome Burnout!

Gemstones are one of natures stunningly beautiful gifts.

Tumbled stones are easy to come by and are a very affordable healing tool.

Crystals absorb and transmute negative energies and can support your struggle with stress and tiredness.

Some of my favorites that I have collected over the years have a permanent home on my bedside table.

You can place them under your pillow at night, put them in your pants pocket, tuck them into your bra or simply hold them in your hand.

Crystals need to be cleansed on a regular basis and when you first buy them. Fill a bowl with water and a little salt. Let them soak for half an hour, then place them out in full sun for an hour. This will help them release any negative energy they have absorbed and will keep them powerful.

Choosing crystals that you are attracted too can be a great place to start your collection.

You can also select stones that are most beneficial to your birth sign.

Or simply select one or more of these easily obtainable gems from the list below…

AGATE – A helpful stone to bring balance to emotions and the physical body. It can be helpful in assisting the lymph system flush out toxic build up. Working with this stone will help direct you to practical solutions to issues that seem to engulf you. A beautiful choice to help you accept just who you are and where your life currently stands.

GARNET – This deep red stone will help balance your energy and purify the blood. It’s protective power makes it a great choice for use during a crisis. A great stone to help you face change and take positive steps forward.

CARNELIAN – This beautiful warm orange gem is very helpful in dealing with exhaustion, depression and anxiety. If your creativity could use a boost, work with this stone to clear blocked energy and let clever ideas flow.

ROSE QUARTZ – A delicate pink coloured stone that is a powerful ally in all things related to the heart. This gem will help you release old emotions and wounds of the past. Open your heart chakra to harmony and love. Helpful in strengthening immunity and supports the kidneys and adrenal glands that can work over time when you are stressed.

AMETHYST – The ultimate gem choice if your life needs balance. It will help you think clearly and make wise choices. Use regularly for healing wounds, releasing the past, and support the mind, body and spirit work in unison.

There are so many more gorgeous gems that you could work with and investing in a good book will open the door to a myriad of pretty helpers.

Wearing jewellery that feature genuine gemstones not only looks amazing but their healing powers can be helping you all day as you work or rest.

Ancient civilizations and royalty did not adorn themselves in gemstones just because of their supposed monetary value, they are powerful tools for health and harmony.

Better get your bling on!

For more helpful tips, start here.

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