Aromatherapy – How To Fragrance Your Home Like A Deigner Gift Shop!

When you walk in to a beautiful gift shop, not only is it visually appealing, to make you want to buy, there is usually a beautiful fragrance wafting around, to enhance the experience!

Whilst visiting a few beautiful stores up on the Sunshine Coast with my mum a while ago, I fell in love with the fragrance whafting through a store and I just had to find out what it was. I had presumed it was from a product they sold, and I was ready to buy whatever it was!

The lovely sales assistant was kind enough to share that it was not any of the products for sale, but their favourite blend burning away in a Aromatherapy burner.

I am addicted to Aromatherapy and love using Essential Oils to not only fragrance my home, but to help with health as well, so I tend to avoid fragrance oils in preference for the healing property of the real thing……BUT……. I have had to rethink that value, as their secret blend was created with fragrance oils.

The delightful fragrance wafting through the store was a simple blend of VANILLA & COCONUT!

As with Essential Oil, quality costs money. Cheap oils do not provide the theraputic quality or devine fragrance that good quality oils provide – you get what you pay for!

Fragrance Oils are the same, if you buy your from the ‘cheap shop’ for $2.00 a bottle, they are going to smell like cheap and nasty air freshener, but if you invest in good quality, the fragrance will delight you and have your home smelling gorgeous.

I buy most of my Aromatherapy supplies from New Directions as their range is huge, the quality superb and their prices are fabulous.

To get your house smelling like a designer gift shop, simply get a burner, place a little water in the bowl and add 6 drops of Vanilla and 4 drops of Coconut, light the candle and let the aroma spred through your home. I like using wax melts in my burner rather than water as you don’t have to keep checking to make sure it ha not run dry, but this is not a necessity.

What is your favourite blend for your burner? I am always open for new suggestions to try!

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