As the world is meant to end today, NOT, it does feel like a good day to share the year that has been!
Two more shifts at work, and I have some glorious days off, getting to spend some time with my amazing family at the beach, I am so looking forward to wining, dining, and a swim in the surf, bring it on!
2011 was one of the toughest years of my life, and I was so looking forward to it being over, and praying that 2012 would see me move forward and stop living in the pain of the past. In February ’11, I became a single parent, 23 years of marriage OVER! My year was full of pain, anger, and fear. I didn’t think I could survive, but thankfully I was born very tough, and even though I still have lapses of anguish, I have many more hours of calm and peace……healing is definately happening, THANK YOU!
2012 started with a bang, our January’s usually are like this, no sooner is the festive season over, we laugh in to party mode with my birthday on the 16th and my eldest Miss WW turned sweet 16 on the 27th. A few days later with a Learners Permit in hand, she is learning to drive!
My other daughter had one of her best friends from Korea come and stay with us for two weeks, and I started a new 2nd job, as I have to keep this family afloat, and it has made a huge difference to the financial situtation at WW HQ, so that instead of burying my head in bills sand I was actually able to take control, get things organised, and keep the wolves from the door.
The start of the school year, saw my ‘baby’ take the giant leap into High School. As we only live a few minutes walk away from a big public High School, I enrolled her there, but all the time so concerned that she would get involved with the ‘wrong’ type of kids, or have to face the offer of drugs and goodness knows what else. Fortunately she took to HS like a duck to water, has made the most wonderful new friends who all come from famlies that have very similiar ideals on what is appropriate for girls this age, and to my relief she got through her first year, without a single issue, and brought home lovely report cards, one very happy mum!
Miss 16, is blessed with a wonderful mind and goes to an amazing school for ‘clever’ kids. She works her butt off, but acheives superb results and is heading in to her final year of High School before heading into the big wide world of University to start on her path to becoming a Neuro Surgeon. Very proud of my girls efforts!
As the weather cools, my ‘baby’ became a teenager and had a beautiful ‘Night In Paris’ party with all of her friends. and the world of Physie starts to heat up. Both of my girls are ‘Physie’ girls, a unique Australian culture of precision dance. Our big physie family is awesome, and provides the girls with a great way to keep fit and strong. Miss 13 does it for the fun, but Miss 16 is does it to win! Interclub competitions start the process of competing that culminates in Champion Girl Comp, States and if all goes well, NATIONALS! Miss brains transforms into a real life Barbie
Miss 16 had a great year, and we got to have two trips to Sydney for Nationals qualifying and then she made it into her first Nationals at the Opera House. What an amazing experience for both of us.
Working two jobs doesn’t leave me a lot of spare time, and whilst I have not yet ventured on to the dating floor (yet), I did decide that I needed to expand my social network as all of my wonderful friends are married and even though I still spend time with them enjoying their company, I needed to meet some other people who are in the same boat as me. I discovered with wonderful service called Meetup, a magical on-line invention that lets you start or simply participate in get togethers with people who have similar likes to your own. I have joined coffee groups, dining groups and more. When time allows between work and being executive chauffeur for my girls, I have discovered some wonderful places in Brisbane that I would have never ventured to on my own. Love it!
I did manage quite a few blog posts, got my second e-book published, and have hatched plans for many more. My aim for 2013 is making more time for me, and my dreams. Lot’s of hard work this year has help to re-build my confidence, I am learning to let go of the past and simply focus on the future and where I want to be. Plenty of miles to still cover, but I am definately getting there!
Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year, to all the wonderful bloggers linking up at With Some Grace today.

Wow, you have had a hard year. I would be hard to be a single parent after such a long marriage. Then working so much AND writing eBooks. That is impressive. I hope next year turns around for you. Have a wonderful Christmas. Rachel xx
A tough year yes, but learnt many valuable lessons, and are coming out the end a much stronger and happier person. Best wishes for 2013
Glad to hear that your daughter has settled into high school. I remember my first day…it was so daunting.
Sounds like you’ve had a busy year. I hope your goals to expand your social circles continue in the new year!
Thanks Grace, I am really looking forward to a wonderful new year ahead! Best wishes to you and your family 🙂
Coming here from FYBF. Best wishes for the New Year. I hope 2013 hold many good things for you and your family.
Best wishes for 2013 🙂