The Problogger Hangover!

After months of anticipation and wondering if I made the right choice to go to Problogger, it is all over!

I now have a major hangover.

Whilst I did consume a cocktail or 3, that is not to blame.

Problogger collage

I am suffering from a post conference hangover.

Symptoms include extreme tiredness, hand cramps from making so many notes and lists, brain fog from trying to decide where to start and withdrawal symptoms from not having QT Gold Coast’s buffet breakfast set up in my kitchen this morning.

I suffered the same thing last year even though I did not go. My Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feed fuelled an attack from the green-eyed monster, so great that I was determined not to miss out again.

Determination won, I might have bought the 7th last ticket when they went on sale, but I got one.

A Pro-blogger I am not, YET!

BUT my decision to go was one of the best investments I have made in myself in a long time. Sitting at home alone is not the best way to learn, getting in amongst it is.

The QT Hotel on the Gold Coast is quirky and cool, the perfect location for an ever growing collection of bloggers determined to ramp up the power and presence of blogging in Australia.

The Problogger team spent months creating a collection of speakers to help us learn and grow, and they did not disappoint. Such a wide variety of topics were on offer, choosing was so hard. Everything ran smoothly and efficiently.

I met some amazing people, said hello to bloggers I have stalked been reading blog posts from for a long time, and listened to some of the most successful Aussie bloggers share their path to the top.

Whilst my to-do list is sooooooooooooo long and all weekend I kept saying ‘I don’t know where to start’, a hangover cure has been found!

Swish Online Problogger Survival Guide

Thank you Kelly Mouttet-Exeter from Swish Online

This sage advice is the only way to tackle a mammoth task, start with one thing that will get you closer to your goal and focus clearly on just that, instead of trying to take a little bite from all the apples. They will end up going brown before you can finish any of them properly.

The one single word that I kept hearing over and over again was CONSITENCY.

That I am not. I have plenty of excuses…working, single mum with a ton of things on her plate, but I also love to blog and I want to make a difference. So some practical planning on what CONSITENT can be for me and putting it in to action, is not a ‘maybe’ but a ‘will be’. For the next month that is all I am going to focus on, one little step at a time.

Problogger is not a luxury, it is a necessity if you want to learn from the best, be motivated by the best, and spend time with the best. We all deserve the best, and if you blog, Problogger is a must. Twelve months till the next one, gives you plenty of time to save. Cate from Behind The Purple Door is doing just that.

Together with a few new affirmations to help quieten the negative committee that always has a lot to say when I focus on a goal, I am taking my blogging to the next level!

What is the Number 1 thing you are going to start taking action on?

Sharing for #IBOT with Essentially

26 thoughts on “The Problogger Hangover!

  1. Darn that consistency! They make us do it as parents (#1 parenting rule) and now as bloggers (#1 blogging rule). I’m pretty much doomed UNTIL I realised that I just had to find my own rhythm, my own drum beat. It doesn’t have to be rock, it can be slow and easy classical. x

  2. I sat down on Sunday afternoon and made a list – a HUGE list of what I want to do with my blog. I’ve since broken it down into smaller goals and have stuck it on the wall above my computer. It’s great having the visual reminder of what I’m working towards, and I love the sense of satisfaction when I’m able to tick off an item from the list.
    Great post, I’m also missing the QT buffet breakfasts – my cereal and coffee just don’t measure up!

  3. Sadly I didn’t get to go, but thanks to generous people tweeting and blogging about the best take home message I feel like I got to benefit too – so thanks for sharing!

  4. I have a long to do list from Problogger too. I need to sit down and work out exactly what to focus on first. It might be to organise a blog routine/schedule and have a few posts written up my sleeve for when life gets interrupted and I don’t blog.

  5. I like the idea of picking one thing and working on that. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve and I didn’t go, so I like this idea.
    Also, not to be a spelling nazi, but did you mean consistent? Or is Consitant a word from the conference that I missed?

    1. It really is worth it, a little overwhelming, but listening to the recordings from the comfort of home helps it all sink in.

  6. I seem to have finally found my groove with consistency of posting. I now post 4 times a week usually. This year I want to spend more time on networking. I’ve got another year of extended maternity leave so I plan on using the extra time to read and comment on more blogs and make relationships with brands to try and expand my blog.

  7. Oh I know what you mean about that hangover. I am absolutely shattered. It takes a lot out of you to be switched on all of the time 🙂 I haven’t yet had a chance to write down my goals, but hope to get it soon. Lovely to meet you.

  8. I remember feeling the same way after Digital Parents last year, there was so much to take in and I had no idea where to start!

    I ended up putting a lot of it on the back burner, given that I was going to be having a baby in a few short months and didn’t really have the time t be going full-tilt on the blog. Now that baby is 13 months old and I finally feel like I can start putting some things in to action, consistency being one of them!

    I’m loving reading all the PBEvent posts and tweets, I’ve learnt some great stuff myself, despite not being there.

    Visting from #teamIBOT today.

  9. Oh dude, I am with you on consistency. If I could consistently post and consistently post good stuff I would so be winning at life. Well, probably not, but it would make me happy. #Team IBOT

  10. Chiming in very late – have been doing yoga intensive teacher training which started the day after Problogger! Needless to say my brain is now swimming after 9 days straight of learning. But with a little time for it to sink in, I plan on putting my list together over the next couple of days…..and sticking to it!

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