Just For You June – Day 5 – Luscious Lips

JUST FOR YOU JUNE – Creating the habit of having a little ‘me’ time and reaping the rewards!

Smooth, kissable lips can be hard to maintain in winter, but a little effort will help keep them yummy.

Day 5 – Luscious Lips

You can use a little facial exfoliator to remove the dry flaky skin that seems to like making itself at home on your lips during the colder months.

Lip balm can be your best friend to keep your lips hydrated and lush.

lip butter

Nivea’s new lip butter, come in cute little metal tins and with flavours like Caramel Cream and Vanilla & Macadamia, these are a lovely calorie free treat.

Drinking plenty of water will also keep your skin hydrated and smooth.

Keep applying lip balm regularly through out the day for luscious lips.

What is your favourite lip treat?

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