“I and the Great Divide” – Helping Children Cope With Seperation And Divorce.

“I and the Great Divide” – A must read for families in divorce; designed to leave children feeling loved,
peaceful, and self-expressed.

In a perfect world……..boy meets girl, they fall in love, they get married, they have kids and they live happily ever after!

Unfortunately for so many families, this is not how the story goes.

Staying in a love less marriage for the sake of children is no longer the norm. It is now socially acceptable to leave a relationship that is no longer serving both parties.

Through all the pain and torment that accompanies a separation, are little people who often have to witness their parents at war. Young children will not be aware of exactly why their world as they know it is crumbling around them.

Fortunately when my marriage of 23 years crumbled in a big heap, fast, I stuck by my usual policy of telling the truth. I did not lie or pretend, they knew exactly what was going on. As they were both teenagers, they could accept and understand the situation and the choices we made. Had my children been a lot younger, it would have been a very different story, and I honestly don’t know how I would have handled it.

Because young children are not privy to exactly what is happening, it is not uncommon for a child to feel that they may be to blame. Whilst we all want the best for our children, when we are dealing with the such a monumental issue as separation, we will at times not be able to give our children the calm, loving support that they really need.


“I and the Great Divide” is a beautiful creation and a fabulous book, sharing a clever insight into how children can feel when experience the break down of their family unit. This story can help kids to understand that sometimes parents just don’t see eye to eye anymore, and that they themselves are not to blame. Featuring superb illustrations and a lovely story that explains in children’s terms what is happening to their parents. This book will help kids remember they are deeply loved and can put to rest any blame they might be feeling. This valuable tool will help parents enter into an open conversation about what all family members are experiencing during such a difficult time.

If you are currently experiencing separation or divorce, or know any family that is, this could be one of the most helpful tools you could have or give. Anything to make the transition just a little smoother is a god-send.

About the author…….


Fiona McGlynn grew up on the west coast with a love of stories. Like i, Fiona’s family changed when she was young. Fiona found this hard at the time but later realized that it had all worked out for the best. She wrote “i and the Great Divide” to help others with changing families. Fiona loves to play ukulele, climb rocks, sail boats, and curl up with a good cup of tea and a book.

This book is available for purchase through Amazon or for your Kindle.

(Disclosure – I have not received renumeration for this review, and I only share valuable resources that I know will benefit others. I have included my Amazon affiliate link for easy purchase.) 🙂

Sharing for #FYBF at With Some Grace

7 thoughts on ““I and the Great Divide” – Helping Children Cope With Seperation And Divorce.

  1. What a smart idea writing about such a confusing topic for children. I know my sister who went through our parents divorce when she was way too little to understand what was happening would have benefited from such a book. Thank you for highlighting. I really hope I don’t have to share this with my little one but will recommend if I know others going through this tough experience.

  2. The book sounds good. I’m all for anything that helps children to understand that they are not at fault in any way and can make the huge transition a little easier for them.

  3. It’s great that there’s a children’s book out there dealing with this sensitive issue. I think I’ll suggest this book to a friend of mine. Thanks for sharing such valuable information.

  4. What a beautiful idea for a book. Divorce and separation can be hard for everyone involved. For children especially, it can be a confusing time. This book sounds perfect.

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