Motherhood can be hard work, so much to do, so many people relying on you to get things done.
I can guarantee you that if I didn’t do the washing, no one would put a load on. If I didn’t grocery shop, we would not eat. If I didn’t mow the lawn we would be jungle dwellers, and let’s not delve into the necessary domestic science of toilet cleaning.
I work, I keep house, I cook, I write, I blog, I wash and iron, I garden.
There is never enough hours in the day for everything that needs doing, as well as there never seems to be time for self care, and I am sure that I am not the only one that feels this way.
A couple of weeks ago, I gave away a prize to one lucky reader to take part in Soul Comfort, an online course that is designed to help you find some ‘me time’. I was also gifted a place and I am so impressed with how this course is delivered, and when Brave Girls Club offer their next course, I will be joining in!
BUT, I have discovered a BIG issue that I have, and that is making time for me to do something fun, brings up feelings of guilt, and concern over things that are not being done whilst I indulge myself.
Please tell me I am not the only one that experiences this!!!!!!!!
I know how important self care is, I know we all deserve It, I know I have a guilt attack the minute I turn my back on chores and do something just for me, BUT it has to stop, I need a break!
SOOOO….in an effort to overcome this little problem, I am going to find just 15 minutes everyday to do something just for me, for the sheer enjoyment of it, and for re-training my thoughts about self-care, allowing and deserving.
I have come up with a little list of things I can do, and so can you. Don’t let your focus think about the washing or cooking or anything else that you ‘should’ be doing.
Paint my toenails
Make a cup of tea and don’t move until it is finished
Read a magazine
Apply a face mask
Have a bath
Phone my mum
Eat chocolate
Work on a little craft project
I will keep adding to this list. Just 15 minutes each day of me time, guilt free!
What suggestions can you add to the list?