Day 10 – 31 Ways To Overcome Burnout
Do you feel a wave of panic when you check your mail box?
Stress about money causes more anxiety and breaks more marriages than any other influence.
Working hard to pay the bills is not fun, especially if there are more bills than money each week.
There are lot’s of aspects involved in good money management, but a great place to is with those BIG bills.
These bills are unavoidable unless you choose too live without basic necessities of modern life.
Electricity, water, insurance, internet, telephone, mobile, school fees and gas are not optional extra’s.
When you are working hard and money is tight, it can be tempting to let insurances lapse but the price you can pay if something unforeseen happens can destroy you financially for a lifetime.
You can always whip out the credit card and pay your bills with it, but unless you can pay your card/s off every month, those big bills grow into big monsters thanks to interest.
I no longer have a credit card, been there done all that, and I bit the bullet one day and cut them all up. There have been times where I would have loved one, but that big debt cycle had to be broken, and it has.
It was important for me to find a way to make sure my big bills were paid without the use of expensive credit.
There are two ways you can take positive action….
This method works well, but requires discipline on your behalf.
Get out copies of all your accounts for the last year.
Make a list of all the big accounts and their dollar value.
Divide the total amount by the number of pay packets you receive in a year.
Arrange to have this amount deducted from your wages each pay period, and have it transferred into a separate account.
When the bills arrive you will have enough to cover them. The first couple of months might be a bit tricky if you have a big bill come in and not much in your special account. Once you have got through this period it will be smooth sailing.
BUT this will only work if you can resist the temptation to dip into this account when an emergency arises, or you just can’t say no to a super bargain you find at the shops.
This method has worked like a charm for me. When I became a single mother there were lot’s of changes that had to be made.
The most important was fixing the finances.
Big bills were address promptly with a call to all my providers.
I organized to pay things monthly.
All my major accounts are handled this way. Small deductions from my bank account are made each month, and I have no big bills arrive in the mail or email box.
The small steady flow is easy to manage and it has brought great relief that I never have to worry about when things are due.
Choose a method that works best for you and set it in to motion NOW!
Every stress you can remove from your life, is a step toward healing and thriving.
To see all the other 30 ways to overcome burnout, start here.
I’ve fallen foul of monthly payments a couple of times now – like the time I organised house insurance with another company and forgot to cancel the first so paid out 2 lots for a whole year, only realised when I got BOTH renewals!!! Ooopppsssss! So as a result I don’t like the monthly things, too hard for me to keep track of.