After a very painful start, a ton of tears, sleepless nights and panic attacks, I am truly rocking this single motherhood gig!
I applaud all single parents as this can be the hardest thing, as parents, that we ever have to do.
When 23 years of marriage comes to a grinding halt, the feeling of terror is indescribable. It washes over you with every breath you take. As the days pass, it slowly releases it’s grip and you start to see your world in a whole new light, one that I am kind of liking.
The Universe sent me lot’s of messages, but I did not listen, I did not see, I did not notice, that my marriage was over, until one day it slapped one at me so hard that I could not ignore it. One of today’s vital necessities, the mobile phone, and text messages on my husbands phone that happened at odd hours. He was in the shower late at night, and I glanced at the phone and just about threw up! The next 24 hours were devestatingly hard, but by night fall the next day, I asked the questions that needed to be asked, I made no plee, I found strength that I did not know I had, and it was over.
2 1/2 years later, and I am the CEO of WWHQ, and totally rocking this!
Cheers to me!
A house full of girls is fraught with a dose or 10 of bitchiness and hormonal fluctuations, but holding it all together is a bond of love and support. We are an awesome team, forging ahead and moving mountains.
I have my chauffeur’s cap, my chef’s cap, my maid’s cap, my banker’s cap and my nurturing cap, that all fit snuggly. I call the shots, I make all the decisions, I get to chose what we eat, I mow the lawns (never did that before, we had a deal, he didn’t clean toilets and I didn’t mow lawns), the rubbish bin does get put out every week, I decide what my teen girls can and cannot do, I hug them when they are in pain, I support them when they are stressed, I nurse them when they are unwell, and I would not have it any other way.
I am blessed with two girls that are going through their teens with a positive attitude, big dreams and strong work ethic. They have fortunately both avoided the dreaded teen sulleness that so often rears its head when the hormones kick in. They have great friends, do really well at school and make me so damn proud.
One of them wants nothing to do with her father if possible, and the other one loves him to bits, and goes and stays with him for the weekend quite regularly. We have things nicely sorted without the need for lawyers, mediators or the like.
I am still single and have no idea if or when that will change. Will leave that to the Universe to sort out. I enjoy having the whole bed to myself, I enjoy not having anyone tell me what to do, I enjoy being me and not the ‘pretend’ person I was. I am now the only one responsible for my future, and I intend to keep rocking it!
Getting cosy on THE LOUNGE and sharing our awesomeness with Musings Of The Misguided
What an awesome post! It’s so great to hear that you are doing so great and that the girls are flourishing. An amicable break up is the best kind of break up, especially when there are kids involved, but I can imagine that it can’t be easy.
That really is an amazing achievement. Surviving a marriage break up and becoming a single parent is HUGE. Glad to hear you are in a good place and truly rocking it. xo
I love this Nikki – I’ve been there too and my link up is about what happens when you do trust again. Being a single parent is tough, demanding and exhausting but totally rewarding.
Not being the ‘pretend person’ was the thing that really stood out for me in this post – it’s incredibly freeing isn’t it?
I love that saying some women use when they separate or divorce: I’ve lost 80kgs. I know how hard it must be to get through some weeks, but it must be very liberating as well. Go you!! X
Cheers to you! My husband was in Sydney for 3 days last week and I really struggled! I absolutely take my hat off to single parents. Sounds like you’ve had quite a journey to get to your ‘happy place’ but it also sounds like the best may be yet to come!
Good on you! It’s bloody hard enough with two of us, so I applaud you, young lady. xxxx
A great, inspirational post!
You’re remarkable