How To Get The Best Value When Grocery Shopping Online!

Buying your groceries online is growing in popularity as so many people trade in the drudgery of walking the aisles for a few clicks of the mouse!

Whether you work full-time and don’t want to spend your precious free time doing your groceries or you are a mum with kids in tow and are so over the tantrums, online shopping does all the hard work for you, and delivers it straight to your kitchen bench!

As I have a great part-time job working for one of the big supermarket chains as a Home Shop Assistant, I thought I would share some ‘insider’ tips to help you enjoy and get the best value for your hard earned dollars, as we have guidelines that we have to follow when fullfilling orders, and they always work in the customers favour!


It is no secret that on-line shopping prices are a little higher than the shelf price, but someone is doing all the work for you, so for a few extra dollars you get big convenience and ease, but here are some tips for getting good value:-

WEEKLY CATALOGUE SPECIALS – All catalogue specials are available in-store or online. Stock up on the great weekly bargains at the same price!

MEAT – When a customer orders meat online, we are NEVER allowed to send out under weight product. We always match the exact weight or send you more (which is more often the case).

FRESH PRODUCE – The same applies to fresh produce, it is often impossible to get the right weight, so you will always receive more than what you paid for.

DELI – Again items that do not come pre-packaged at a set weight, you will always receive more than what you pay for.

SUBSTITUTIONS – Unless you MUST have a particular brand/product eg. Baby Formula, allow for substitutions. When a product is out of stock, if you don’t allow substitutions, you won’t receive any item. If you allow substitutions you will always receive a product of equal or higher value. If you order Sorbent toilet paper, you will not be sent Homebrand in it’s place. If you order paper towel with print, wouldn’t you rather have plain white than none at all.

USE THE COMMENTS OPTION – Let us know what you want! When ordering items for babies, children or your home, use the comments section to let us know whether the item is for a boy or a girl. Wondersuits, dummies, lunch boxes, even toothbrushes are often available with different colour way options. If you let us know the item is for a girl, we won’t send you blue, we will pick the girl colour way or the neutral option.

STOPPING IMPULSE SHOPPING – When you walk into a supermarket, clever marketing places a huge range of goodies in your path (that’s why milk is always at the back of the store), and sooooo often, you find yourself putting things in your trolley that you want but really don’t need. Once of you have done your first online shop, you save your shopping list, so that next time a few simple clicks can have your next order ready to go, and ALL those temptations don’t make it in your front door!

SPECIAL EVENTS – At those special times of the year such as Christmas, Easter and Birthday’s you can order your seasonal goodies without prying eye’s seeing your purchases.

Online grocery shopping is a sanity and time saver and certainly worth a try if you have not given it ago before.

Have you tried online grocery shopping? Share your experience, even if it was negative, we can only improve our service if we know what is annoying our customers.

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23 thoughts on “How To Get The Best Value When Grocery Shopping Online!

  1. I have not used online shopping for ages but I loved it when I was using it. These are great suggestions.

    1. Thanks Lisa, so glad you enjoyed it, definately thought it was worth sharing, as so many people are not sure how it all works. 🙂

  2. Great tips! I got out of the habit of buying online because I wasn’t organised enough and needed to get things NOW. Haha.

    This has definitely inspired me to give it another go when we get back from our trip!

  3. Very interesting post! I have wondered who puts all the groceries together when you order online, which is something I haven’t tried yet but have thought about on approximately 8 million occasions! We do a lot of our grocery shopping at Aldi now, but there’s still quite a few things we get from one of the big 2. Maybe I’ll be convinced to try it one day! I imagine it would be fantastic for people with babies or lots of kids – much easier than an outing to the store! Thanks for sharing! -Aroha #teamIBOT

    1. It’s amazing that so many people think that the orders would be filled at a warehouse, and they get a surprise when they see us scooting around the store with our special trollies, it is definately worth a try.

  4. I do my online shopping with Coles and I really cannot fault them. I have had one issue and they fixed it without any drama. The delivery people are always friendly and after having the same people for a while you start to develop a bit of get to know you attitude with them. I don’t have a licence so online shopping saves me so much money in taxi fares. Not to mention stress with not having to do a big grocery shop with a toddler in tow.

  5. I love online grocery shopping. My husband loves to put anything he wants in the trolley & I don’t see it until it’s on the conveyer belt. This way I do the shopping on my own, and stick to the list.

  6. I used to shop online but I haven’t for awhile because popping out to the supermarket has become a great excuse for some alone time.
    Great tips, thanks for sharing.

  7. Thankfully these are tips I was taught a few years ago about buying online! I do it on a monthly basis from supermarkets as we buy most fresh foods from the organic stores online. 🙂
    Great way to educate people! x

  8. Even though A and I packed shelves for many years, I have never thought of doing online shopping – may have to look into it and save myself some time.(oops – that would mean I would have to prepared with a list and an idea of what I want to buy before I logged on – that may be a little difficult !!! LOL)
    Have a great day !
    #IBOT visitor

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