Feng Shui for Romance, just in time for Valentines Day

With Valantines Day just around the corner, why not put some great Feng Shui tips to good use to enhance the romance in your life!

The following simple steps can help keep or invite romance into your life, creating more positive energy to help love flourish and grow.


– Clearing clutter is always a great place to start, it alwlays helps improve energy flow. Keep family photos out of this room, your bedroom is the place for you and your partner, keeping your family photo’s in the family and lounge rooms instead.

– Don’t keep live plants in your bedroom, but a print or painting of Peony flowers is suitable.

– A red glitter or lava lamp is great for bonding energy.

– Pairs of ducks, birds, rose quarts crystals focus on couple energy.

– Don’t store things under your bed, keep the area clear for positive clear energy flow.

– Ensure your bedhead does not share the same wall as a toilet.

– If you have mirrors on your wardrobe doors, cover them at night.

–  Pictures of couples such as walking along a beautiful beach.

– Place 7 crystal spheres in the SW corner of the bedroom.

– A raw amethyst geode tied with red string can, placed under the foot of the bed can help safeguard against infedelity.

– If you are looking for a partner, have a good look at the decor is your bedroom. If you are female looking for a male partner and your bedroom is full of flowers frills and fluff, you need to balance this by reducing the fluff and introducing more masculine energy and sound. In reverse if you are a male looking for a female, you need to introduce more feminine energy, but it does not have to be pink and frilly, just think calm, stillness, soft sound and dim light.

– If you want to invite babies into your relationship, place a bowl of rice under the bed, and replace regularly.


– The South West of your home is the romance zone, and for this year the West also carries good luck arriving for romance, so display a red or yello lamp in either of these areas can be beneficial.

– Display amethyst or rose quartz crystals in this part of your house. Wear jewellery featuring these stones as well.

– Don’t display things in the South West in three’s or more, that is inviting in more people into the relationship.

– Any water features around your home, must be to the left of your front door (looking out) to ward off infidelity.

Remember to focus on all the good things in your relationship, instead of the little irritations that can sometimes take over our thoughts and you will invite more good things in!


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