Bean and Bacon Soup

Winter decided to start with a big bang in Brisbane! The temperature has plummeted to levels that I am not happy about in the slightest and to no surprise as we were whinging about how cold it was at work, the topic of soup popped up. One of my co-workers mentioned that she loves making an easy soup using McKenzie’s 12 blend soup mix and she loves it.

Needless to say I was heading home to make soup that night. I could not get a vegetable soup pack so I just grabbed a few things that normally go into soup and ended up with an easy and super yummy soup that is perfect to warm you up on a chilly day.


  • 1 brown onion, finely diced
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 sticks of celery, diced
  • 1 swede, peeled and diced
  • 1 cup of frozen peas
  • 2 bacon bones
  • 1 2lt carton of vegetable stock
  • 1 cup of 12 blend soup mix (soaked overnight as per instructions on the pack) and then rinsed with fresh water.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

These ingredients made 4 generous serves, and only used part of the 12 blend soup mix, to make a larger batch just increase the quantities.


Place the diced onion in a large saucepan with the olive oil and over medium heat fry until golden.

Add all the other ingredients and gently boil for approximately 30 minutes.

Normally I would have added salt and pepper, but I forgot and I am glad I did, as between the stock and the bacon bones the soup was salty enough for my taste, but you can always add seasoning if you like once it is cooked.

The soup is now ready to eat if you like yours chunky, but I prefer to attack mine with a stab blender after removing the bacon bones and making it all nice and smooth.

Its not the prettiest soup I have ever seen, but the flavour is awesome and it turned out nice and thick. You could always add a little water to make it go further if you don’t like yours like that.

If we have to endure winter, we might as well make sure it tastes good!


Do you turn to soup during the colder months?

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