Author Blog Challenge – Day 16 – Publishing a book on a zero dollar budget!

Day 16 – Did you publish your book as a traditionally printed book, an eBook, or both?

 How did you come to your decision?

Delving into the world of publishing is a scary place of unknown! Without a huge budget up your sleeve to buy your way on to the production line and splash out on publicity, there appears to be little chance of reaching success. Lot’s of stories are out there about being rejected time and time again when your manuscript is given the flick. It is no wonder that so many people who would love to be an author, never take the plunge as the future can just be too gloomy to face. Why bother?

Times are changing, and the electronic book is gaining strength, and power. The door is opening for ANYONE to write a book, publish an e-book and start to realise their dream of becoming an author. Through trial, error, internet searching, and signing up for webinar after webinar, I managed to learn enough, and actually get my book across the finishing line on a totally ZERO dollar budget!

I have not spent a single cent to get my first book written, edited, covered and up for sale! I don’t have a hard copy in my hand nor any to sign and give away, but this first step was huge enough for now……..

I will in the near future, continue my learning curve and investigate publishing options for a hard copy version, but not today…….I am grateful I made it this far………will just enjoy admiring the electronic version!

Please share your positive publishing successes, all in the name of research!

3 thoughts on “Author Blog Challenge – Day 16 – Publishing a book on a zero dollar budget!

  1. Love it Nikki. Always good to hear a positive tale of how to do it with zero budget. I have heard from others here on the Sunshine Coast in Australia that they get only a few books printed at a time or even just when one is bought. I haven’t investigated this yet. However i love having that option up my sleeve.

    1. Hi Jenny, I am just down the road in Brissie, so no doubt will be investigating the same sort of options!

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