I love a good light and bright white background for photos, but sometimes I like to do something a bit different.
I have been a stationary addict for as long as I can remember and I simply cannot walk through a discount store, craft store or any store for that matter that stocks things papery.
The other day I was in the Reject Shop looking for stickers for my planner, when I spotted this big cardstock pad.
I have never been into scrapbooking (surprisingly) and I almost put it back on the shelf, but the glittery one caught my eye and I could not put it down.
Glad I didn’t now…
I don’t take the sheets out of the pad, I just open it up to what I want to use, that way the sheets don’t get any crinkles or marks.
You can buy scrapbook paper from Kmart, Big W or any craft outlet and it is incredibly good value.
This would not work for large items that need a big back drop, but as long as your item is not more than 30cm across they will work perfectly.
It might only be August, but one of my friends is getting in early with Christmas planning and I got this invite in the mail!
What a good excuse to use my sparkly paper….
A quick snap with my iPhone and on to Instagram it goes!
Does not get much easier than that.
Do you experiment with different backgrounds or are you are a pure white girl?
Sharing for #FYBF at With Some Grace.com
This looks fantastic. The Reject Shop really rocks! Definitely going to suss this out next time I am there. Not sure I can put together something so amazing as you can but worth a try!
If I can, you sure can.
Wow… that’s not something I’ve thought of but it’s a great idea. I don’t do much photography at home as my iPhone’s cactus and iPad doesn’t offer up great quality but it’s something I might suss out next time I’m at a craft store!
I love using my iPhone as it is quick and easy to upload to Instagram and I get bored with white all the time, so this works easily for me.
Ooo love a bit of bling – it really jazzes it up!
That is exactly what I thought!
What a great idea! I predominantly use white backgrounds but would love to use more colour and especially sparkles!
Agreed Ingrid, white is good but not all the time. 🙂