5 Things To Do Now To Make Christmas Easier!

christmas tips

Christmas is supposed to be about fun, spending time with family and eating lots of good food. The trouble is the effort required to get to that special day can be totally hectic.

For me work gets crazy, the social calendar gets full and this single mumma still has a household to run and mouths to feed. I need to try and make things as quick and easy as possible so that I don’t completely lose the plot.

Here are 5 things I do to make the countdown to Christmas as smooth and organised as possible.


I always seem to end up with a collection of half used jars of goodness crap at the bottom of my fridge and things in my freezer that I can’t really identify any more.

Before a single thing for Christmas cooking is bought, it is time to make space for them. If things are passed use-by they go in the bin and those that are still good, get used up quickly with the help of a little creative menu planning.


Each year I am in charge of the baking and dessert making at Christmas and one year I forgot to buy caster sugar! Never again!

Clear out all the stuff that has been taking up valuable space and do a stocktake on all the non-perishable items you will need this year.

If you have never tried online grocery shopping, now is the perfect time to do it. The shops are getting busier so why not have all this heavy stuff delivered to your kitchen bench instead. Think about all those heavy things like dog food, kitty litter, soft drink etc. that you wont have to lug around. Woolworths and Coles have free delivery on Wednesday if you spend $150.00 or more.

No 3 – MAKE A LIST (OR 10)

Grab a little note book or even a left over exercise book and start writing everything down. Keep that book with you at all times during the month of December so that you know exactly where your preparations are at. Some of things in my book include –

Present Buying (whom and what has been bought)

Greeting Cards/Emails

Recipes to make (which book/magazine/website it is in)


Things to buy (candles, serviettes, batteries etc.)

Social Events including what I have to take

Gifts received (can be handy if you ever want to re-gift


To save time, money and calories on take-away meals during this hectic time create a simple 7 day menu plan each week in the lead up to Christmas.

Choose quick and easy meals that can be on the table in a flash or make a double batch and freeze half for use later in the month. You could also organise a meal swap with family or friends who live close by so you get a night off cooking and get to try something different.


Spending hours battling the crowds looking for that perfect gift for someone is no fun! AND if you love a good bargain then you need to check out some of these great online stores that will deliver your purchases to your front door for $10.00.





Just about every shop you like can deliver to your home or organise a click and collect where you place your order and then pick it up instore. Save your legs and time and let someone else do the walking for you.

I hope some of these tips will make your run up to Christmas Day a little easier.

What is your favourite way to stay on top of it all? I would love to know!

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13 thoughts on “5 Things To Do Now To Make Christmas Easier!

  1. Awesome tips for this time of year, as always I am completely unorganised. I think I’ll start on some lists tomorrow – thanks for the push! Another one that we do each year is a kids bedroom clean out. All the broken toys are tossed, junk is binned and toys that haven’t seen the light of day in the past year are either tossed or donated (depending on condition).

  2. Great tips Nikki – especially the making lists one – I can’t function without my lists! I tried to be organised for Christmas but a few things came up and now I’m totally disorganised. Going away on a cruise is great but it totally disrupts preparations for Christmas for example! Oh well – I’m sure I’ll still make it to the other side LOL #TeamLovinLife

  3. Great tips Nikki โ€“ especially the making lists one โ€“ I canโ€™t function without my lists! I tried to be organised for Christmas but a few things came up and now Iโ€™m totally disorganised. Going away on a cruise is great but it totally disrupts preparations for Christmas for example! Oh well โ€“ Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll still make it to the other side LOL #TeamLovinLife

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