Natural Ways To Ease Hay Fever!

Natural ways to ease hay fever

For so many people the arrival of spring and warmer temperatures is not cause for celebration but commiseration as it can mean that hay fever season has arrived!

Stuffy noses and sinus pain can cause so much pain and discomfort that resorting to taking anti-histamines daily seems like the only way to feel better.

Whilst these medications do a good job to alleviate the symptoms, they certainly put a big dent in your wallet each week.

There are plenty of natural things you can try to help you cope and are definitely worth trying.

(This is not medical advise and please consult your doctor before making changes to your current health plan)


Munch on some mint

Chewing on a few fresh mint leaves can help to clear nasal congestion and inhibits the release of histamines which cause all the uncomfortable symptoms of hay fever.

Inhale lavender pure essential oil

Place a drop or two of lavender essential oil on to a tissue and hold just below your nose. Breathe in through your nose until the fragrance has faded. This oil is well known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Time for a cuppa

Herbal teas are great to drink at any time of the day. Choose from nettle, peppermint or chamomile tea as these 3 will help to open up the nasal passage and relieve sinus pressure.

Sip on some cider

Not all apple cider vinegar’s are created equal. Before you start sipping make sure the one you have at home has the ‘mother’ included in the bottle. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 1/2 a cup of room temperature water (or more if preferred) and sip it until its all gone. This is a great way to give your immune system a good boost and helps to break down mucus.

Peel a pineapple

Remove the peel off a fresh pineapple but don’t throw out the core. Pineapples have a high concentration of Bromelain that can really help to reduce your reaction to allergies whilst reducing swelling in the nose and sinus. The highest concentration is found in the core. If you can’t cope with eating the core, pop it in the blender with some other favourite fruits and make a smoothie.

Spice up your meals

There is nothing like a good curry to make your nose run, and that is exactly what you want to happen to ease congestion. Add chilli, garlic, onion, ginger, tumeric and cayenne pepper to your food to thin mucus for easy expulsion and pressure release.


All of these things are easy to purchase or you probably have most of them at home already.

Incorporating some of these into your daily routine is not hard and hopefully will bring you some relief.

Do you suffer badly from hay fever?

What works best for you to alleviate the discomfort?

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7 thoughts on “Natural Ways To Ease Hay Fever!

  1. I really need to try some of these tips. I’ve been waking up with a blocked nose and sinus headache almost every day. I especially like the idea of inhaling lavender. And who doesn’t love a good curry! Lots of people, I guess. Details!

  2. This is really great advise. For colds and sore throats I drink garlic water. But I will try yours instead of meds. Also love my herbal teas and my vinegar with ‘mother’. The vinegar works wonders for gout.

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