Just For You June – Day 8 – Coffee Catch Up!

JUST FOR YOU JUNE – Creating the habit of having a little ‘me’ time and reaping the rewards!

Do your friends get neglected because you are so busy?

Friends are a wonderful gift, and instead of making excuses why you don’t have time to get together, book in a time to catch up for coffee.


Surprise a friend with an invite for coffee, catch up on gossip, share all your news and enjoy some well deserved time out.

Time with family and friends does not always have to mean elaborate meals, extensive cooking and preparing. The time shared is much more important. So head to your local coffee shop and just spend a relaxing hour together with someone dear to you.

If you and your partner could do with a little connection time away from the house, have a coffee date together.

Relax, sip and laugh, the perfect way to spend a little ‘me’ time.

Do you have a favourite coffee shop near you?

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