Is Your Make-Up Past It’s Use By Date?

Make-up might look fine, but it has a use-by date, unfortunately it is not printed on the label.

Every six months it is a good idea to have a clean out and update items that have been there for too long.


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Make up can be a breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to eye infections, pimple formation and inflammation.

Use the following guidelines to help guide you. These dates apply from when you start using the product.

Mascara –  3 to 4 months.

Lipstick and Lipgloss – 1 to 2 years.

Concealer – 6 to 12 months.

Foundation – 1 year.

Powder – 2 years.

Eye shadow (powder) – 2 years.

Eye shadow (cream) – 12 months.

Eye and Lip pencils – 1 to 2 years.

To help keep your make-up as fresh as possible, clean your tools regularly.

Make-up sponges and brushes should be cleaned weekly with a little shampoo mixed in warm water. Gentle swirl until all make-up is removed, rinse in warm water. Dip in a little white vinegar to santise. Give them a final rinse under warm water. Allow to air dry completely.

Before applying make-up, wash your hands or use hand sanitser. Using a cotton bud, rather than your finger when using pots of shadow can keep them fresher longer. Try not to share make-up with others, sharing germs is taking friendship a bit to far.

When was the last time you replaced your make-up?

7 thoughts on “Is Your Make-Up Past It’s Use By Date?

  1. According to this, every single item I own is WAYYYYY out of date. I wear make up once every six months….I”d have to buy half my stuff new each time!

  2. The last time I used makeup I was still in drama/theatre. I don’t want to even think about how old that stuff was, or how many people had shared that stuff over the years.

  3. This is great! I have so much make-up all over the place and I’m always afraid to throw them away… because what if I decide to wear a particular color that I recently got rid of. But when you mention the word bacteria, it puts it all into perspective. 🙂 Thanks for sharing… I am not one of your required two comments but was intrigued by the title and had to take a looksie.

  4. Umm. I’m wondering if, like Dana, I only use some items every six months or so, they will still be OK, or whether a single use is enough to introduce bacteria?
    Interesting post 🙂

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