Last year on this day the tone was a little more somber, Hawthorn made the AFL Grand Final, but they lost! 🙁
This year it is happy dance time, the Hawks won!
I might live in the beautiful Sunshine State, but I was born in Melbourne. I don’t know why I am a Hawthorn supporter, but for as long as I can remember, I have been.
My father is a Richmond supporter, my brother a Carlton supporter, my mum couldn’t care less!
End of month work commitments kept me at home today, but the TV has kept me company, as I watched the Hawks take an early lead. The third quarter saw my heart creep up into my throat, but in the end, it was all worth it.
So that is the end of the football season for another year, and Hawthorn have another premiership to add to the collection.
Time for a drink, me thinks! 🙂