Cant believe half a year is over already, the only things that makes it feel so real is that its winter and I really don’t like cold weather, at all! Hot chocolate with marshmallows is my one saving graces and sipping on one of those and curling up with a good book is rather nice.
I have had a very slack start to 2019 in the book reading department, I have only read one and that was over the last week.

This book is not a pleasant read, but it is eye opening and sure made me feel grateful to live in a country like Australia where treatment of women in such a derogatory way is now acceptable practice. Even being Saudi royalty does not allow you any more freedom of choice that a street peasant. Whilst things are very slowly improving, I doubt they will ever have true freedom.
It is quite ironic that whilst I was reading this book, Princess Haya bint al-Hussein, the wife of Dubai’s ruler had applied for asylum in Europe as she fears for her safety. Life in the middle east if you are female is nothing short of horrible and this book that is not fictional really sends the message home.
I have battled with oily skin all my life, and I like to use a gel style cleanser in the shower. My favourite has been discontinued, so after whinging to a co-worker about the deletion of said cleanser she recommended I try the $4 bargain from Woolworths. At least if I don’t like it, I can toss it in the bin and I have not shelled out a fortune for it.

Much to my surprise, this clear, lightly scented gel does a great job cleaning my skin, but does not leave it feeling tight and dehydrated once it is dry. That is why I don’t choose cleansers for oily skin as I find them too harsh and oil production goes into overdrive to compensate.
My alarm goes off at 4am and I start work at 5! I cannot eat breakfast at this horrible hour of the day. I have tried and honestly I might as well chew on concrete as that is what food feels like if I try and force it down.
Thankfully drinking breakfast does work for me, and even through coffee still comes first. I have tried many meal replacement drinks and I don’t like the taste of many of them and some are so loaded in sugar I might as well just have a chocolate bar (which I probably could get down, cause it’s chocolate).

F4U (formulated for you) reached out to me and asked if I would like to sample their meal replacement drinks. When I discovered they were low in sugar, I said yes.
They work just like any other shake as you blend them with water or milk and come in Vanilla Malt and Choc Cacao. I did use my mini blender to add some strawberries to one and it was divine. With 25 key vitamins and minerals and over 30gm of protein these are a really good alternative whether you are trying to lose weight or simply love the convenience of drinking breakfast as you can sip on this on your commute and have a few minutes extra in bed each day.
You can order yours here and this gluten free goodness will be on your doorstep quickly from the Gold Coast.
What started as a fashion fad a few years ago has definitely blown into a full on obsession for me and that would be rose gold.
If anything comes in a rose gold option I am in! Needless to say when I realised it was time for a new black handbag for the winter months, my girls knew what would tickle my fancy.

All the rose gold hardware on this Collette bag just makes my heart sing and it also fits in everything I need on a daily basis and fills my other handbag criteria of holding its shape when you put it down. Floppy bags and I are not friends.
In my perfect world chocolate would be calorie free and ridiculously good for you, but unfortunately that is not the current state of affairs.
BUT I did discover this awesome new snack that is right up there in the not too bad for you range.

Almonds dipped in a super thin coating of dark chocolate and finished with an espresso coating, yes you read right, coffee and chocolate together. These little morsels are so good and are waiting for you in the health food section at Woolies….not sure if Coles stock them, but they should!
If you asked a Brisbanite where you should go for a nice lunch with a water view, they will most likely suggest some on the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast as that is the obvious choice.
Or in 30 minutes north of Brisbane you could already be sitting down with a nice cold drink in your hand, perusing the extensive menu and watching the sun dance on the water.

The Belvedere Hotel at Woody Point is a fabulous spot for a lazy Sunday lunch with all the trimmings but no nasty homeward bound traffic to deal with.
Just make sure you order a nice sunny day to go with your meal because that is when Bramble bay truly shines and then after you have filled up on good food you can take a stroll down the pier and see how man fish people have not caught. I bet the local fish and chip shop does a roaring trade late on a Sunday afternoon.
What was your favourite discovery over the last 3 months?