Crafting For Cognitive Health!

Walk into any bookshop, newsagent, department store or even the supermarket and you are guaranteed to see a display of colouring in books, for grown ups.

The variety available is quite staggering as so many people are jumping on the paper and pencil train as a way to relax and have fun.

Kids love crafting and most parents use this fun activity to not only occupy them during the day but to help develop their fine motor skills.

Then we grow up and life gets busy and very few of us make time to do something crafty or simply spend time doing something just for us.

Good cognitive heath allows our brains to collect new information, store it correctly and recall data correctly when required.

A 4 year study by the Mayo Clinic discovered that artistic pursuits have the ability to reduce the risk of dementia and memory loss by up to 73%.

Painting, drawing and sculpting were the most effective, closely followed by quilting and sewing.

Thankfully socializing is on the good list too with a 55% effectiveness rate.

Even if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body, why not try one of these crafts that are good for your mental health and find 15 minutes in your day to sit, craft and have some precious ‘me’ time.

Try one or all of these…

Colouring in is great for cognitive health

Why not try your hand at colouring in!

It is easy to do, very relaxing and is considered to be a great alternative to meditation.

If colouring does not appeal to you, why not grab a notebook with blank pages and a pen and do some doodling.

Decorate shopping lists etc with patterns or pictures.

Painting for cognitive health

Pick up a paint brush.

You don’t have to be Picasso to enjoy splashing some paint around.

Start with stripes, spots or big splashes and see where the brush takes you.

cross stitch for mental health

Try counting crosses!

Cross stitch is great for those grey cells, but actually very easy to do.

You can easily buy kits at craft and discount stores that have everything in them you need to complete a project.

Each different colour has a code on the pattern, so following the guide and creating a mini picture will certainly get the brain working.

beading for good mental health

Buy some beads.

Beading is easy if you just randomly thread beads on to fishing line, wire or elastic thread.

Work that brain a little harder by creating a pattern and then continue to follow it until your item is long enough.

This is a fun way to make gifts for family and friends.

knitting for good mental health

Knitting a knot or two.

Grab some knitting needles or a crotchet hook and start making something.

Even if you just end up with a lot of scarves, someone will enjoy them in winter.

Delicate doilies might no longer have a place on your buffet or hutch but could be used to make a beautiful dream catcher.


It really does not matter which craft you choose, what does matter is that you regularly find time to actually do it.

For the sake of your cognitive health, happy crafting!

Crosswords, Sudoku and jigsaw puzzles are also a good choice if craft is really not your thing.

Do you craft at all?

What do you like to make?

Sharing for #FYBF at With Some

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