Holy Moly…I am turning yellow!

I have officially decided that this getting old stuff is simply crappy!

I do not want to be sick.

I certainly had NO intentions of adding a syndrome to my repertoire of life achievements.

gallbladder causes liver to become blocked

For quite sometime I have been feeling not so spectacular.

The pain I often felt in my back, I always put down to work, from all the lifting, pulling, pushing etc.

My energy levels were dropping and by the afternoon I was finding it quite hard to do anything.

I thought I was just suffering from burnout and could probably do with a holiday.

Two weeks ago I had a very uncomfortable night and woke up itchy all over but no sign of a bite or rash of any form.

Much to my own surprise, I actually took myself off to the doctor to have it checked out.

Of course I do this on a Friday, so results are actually not in until Tuesday.

All my results came back perfect with one small exception.

My liver numbers were in the red…..next stop ultrasound.

Whilst my doctor made it clear that this ultrasound had to be done, I failed to detect a sense of urgency and booked myself in for one a week later as that was the only spot they had available.

Fast forward 24 hours, Wednesday afternoon rocks around and I am exhausted.

Miss WW then decides to inform me that over the last couple of days my eyes had been turning an unattractive shade of yellow, but did not want to alarm me and she knew I had been to the GP for blood tests.

Fast forward to Wednesday night and I decide to have a meltdown and at 9pm decide to go to the emergency department.

Yellow is not normal and very unattractive!

They starved me for almost 3 days, they pumped me full of anti-biotics and did just about every test known to modern medicine.

They were on the hunt for a tumor.

Just about everyone that presents in the way I did has a nasty tumor causing the liver to function at such a decreased level.

I am one of the VERY lucky ones, instead of a tumor I get a syndrome!

Mirizzi Syndrome basically means I have a very naughty gallbladder complete with a collection of stones that is a distorted shape capable of completely leaning on and blocking my bile duct.

Thankfully their treatment has been working and my liver function is returning to normal with out the need of surgery to place a stent in the duct to hold it open.

Next stop is a date with the operating table to get this gallbladder out of my tummy and that is booked in for next month.

I feel like I have completely lost a week of my life, but the universe threw me a sign I just could not ignore, and very soon I will be feeling so much better for it.

How many body parts have you said goodbye too?

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22 thoughts on “Holy Moly…I am turning yellow!

  1. Urgh, sounds like you’ll be feeling a whole lot better after the surgery! If it makes you feel any better, my sister had the same thing in her late teens, so it’s not an age thing:-) And she felt a whole world of better after they took it out – she’d been mysteriously ill for ages, getting continually worse etc.

    1. Some people do get struck down with dodgy gallbladders early in life and I think mine has been unhappy for a while!

  2. As soon as I started reading this I knew it would be your liver. I’m glad you don’t have a tumor and your body is responding well. My grandad died of cancer, by the time they found it his liver was completely shot. He ended up turning completely yellow it wasn’t good. Thankgod you got checked out and they’ve figured out the issue.

  3. You poor thing. I have been there, although my bile duct was blocking my pancreas and it was bloody painful. They removed the gall bladder in the process. My eyes turning yellow is what escalated things for me as well. That was a few years ago now and my pancreas unfortunately hasn’t been the same since.

    Hoping you are on the mend.

  4. That’s intense. I have been pretty lucky – I haven’t had anything except wisdom teeth removed. Although, I have had an ovary burst and delivered two children without drugs {both of which were mighty painful}.

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