Super Things To Sip For Your Health!

There is one thing I have noticed since I reached the half century mark and that is the never ending little and not so little aches and pains that seem to be part of everyday life, and quite honestly I don’t like it.

So I have been spending a lot of time researching how I can help ease these annoying niggles by making changes to what I eat and drink without becoming a full on caffeine free, vegan and no more chocolate ever kind of girl, cause that does not appeal to me. I applaud anyone who has given up tasty vices for the sake of your health, and whilst I am prepared to cut down on the not so good for you yumminess, I am not going cold turkey.

Inflammation is often a cause for many of these aches and pains and years of exposure to chemicals, sugar consumption and foods that increase the acidity in our body will trigger a painful response from our body. In the interest of being kinder to my body and thanking it for all the years of hard work, some gentle changes are taking place here rather than a full blown detox at this stage.

Healthy things to drink


Here are a few of the things I have been trying and why I am including them in my diet regularly.


We all know that we need to drink plenty of water everyday. When the weather is hot I guzzle gallons of it with ease, but as the temperature drops I have to make an ‘effort’ to ensure I drink enough. I will often add a slice of lemon and a slice of lime (that I keep sliced up in the freezer in a zip lock bag) to make it a little more palatable, but I have also been making some fruit water and it really tastes good so I get through more with ease.

Green tea, lime and mint – I would prefer to use lime and mint to make a Mojito…..but in the interest of better health, make a cup of tea with a tea bag and allow to cool then place into a large water bottle, with a couple of slices of lime and a few fresh mint leaves that have been torn to help release their goodness. This blend is good for digestion, headaches and congestion.

Strawberry and Kiwi fruit – This one is very easy and just needs a few slices of each fruit placed in a large water bottle and allow to steep for 30 minutes before drinking. This one is good for boosting immunity and blood sugar regulation.

Pineapple, lemon and pomegranate – This is one of my favourites and it is the prettiest colour too which makes it more inviting. Chop up a full slice of pineapple, 2 slices of lemon and a teaspoon of pomegranate seeds. This one is great for helping the lymph system to flush out toxins and pineapple is great for reducing acidity.

Boost your magnesium

Another great way to guarantee another bottle of water is downed each day is to add a magnesium dissolvable tablet. A few months ago I started taking this Swisse supplement to help with aching shoulders that are partly contributed to my job. Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common these days as a lot of our produce is grown in soils that are overworked and depleted of this vital nutrient. Magnesium can also help with calming the nerves, assisting better sleep and increasing energy and I will have all of those please! They say if you crave chocolate that can be a symptom of magnesium deficiency, better make sure I don’t forget my dose today.


Turmeric is one of the most talked about herbs at the moment when you look for ways to reduce inflammation. This distinctively flavoured and bright coloured powder is an easy add to stir fry’s but unless you want everything to taste like curry, it is easier to drink it.

Pukka tea have a blend called ‘turmeric gold’. It makes consuming turmeric more palatable with the addition of lemon, cardamom and green tea. It makes your mouth tingle a little bit but it is not nearly as overpowering as I thought it might be.


When the Bondi Beach Tea Co. reached out to me and asked if I would like to sample some of their wares, I put my hand up straight away and said yes. You only have to take a peak at their website and see that their blends are perfect for those that want to tackle inflammation and detoxing head on and lose some kilo’s along the way.

They also have beautiful blends for helping you sleep or unwind after a tough day. In my pack I did receive the Heartburn blend which is one ailment that I do not suffer from but it does contain Spearmint (great for heart health and is high in iron for energy), Lemon Balm (can help with anxiety and insomnia) and Chamomile (which is soothing and calming) plus a few other goodies that tastes beautiful and is a great drink for this stressed out mumma, who is currently packing all the boxes for a house move.

Bondi Beach Tea Co tea strainer

Loose leaf tea requires a tea strainer and how cute is this silicone one that bends over and hugs your mug whilst the tea is brewing.

When all this moving is out of the way I just might have to try a detox program together with their easy meal plan as its all about fresh starts for me at the moment. You can find all their goodies here.


One of the few things I like about cold weather is making soup. Its an easy way to eat a warming healthy meal.

I have spent plenty of time scrolling through Pinterest searching for some new soups to try this season.

This is my favourite find so far. Pop everything in the crockpot and a few hours later dinner is ready and there is some left over to stash in the freezer.

warming vegetable soup

Thanks to a Pinch Of Yum for this fabulous recipe.

Every little thing we do to improve our health can have big benefits down the track, I hope you find some of these ideas easy to incorporate into your everyday.

What is your favourite healthy habit that you have discovered this year?

Discover what other bloggers are loving this week #LLL at Write Of The Middle


Disclaimer – I am not medically trained and only offer these suggestions for your consideration. Before undertaking any alterations to your diet, including the addition of any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor to ensure that they will not have negative effects on any medication you may currently be taking.





12 thoughts on “Super Things To Sip For Your Health!

  1. Lovely ideas Nikki! My “go to” on a daily basis is fresh ginger tea. I brew it in a little teapot each morning, then pour it into my stainless steel drink bottle and head out for the day. Sometimes it’s super strong and I have to dilute it, but I just love it and so good for digestion xx

  2. I rediscovered my love of tisanes or infusions over the last few weeks in France – and have no idea why I ever let myself get out of that habit. I’m looking to grow more tea herbs in pots going forward – for that reason. And soups…oh how I love soups. Some great suggestions. #teamlovinlife

    1. I used to brew infusions in my T2 pot all the time and then it made its way to the back of the cupboard and got forgotten about. It is in full swing again now!

  3. Oh I’m with you on the soups! Love the look of that soup too – thanks for the link to the recipe! I’m a huge advocate for taking Magnesium in whatever way – even bathing in it. Most of us are deficient and as we get older we need help to um … calm our nerves and sleep better! Great health tips here Nikki! 🙂 #TeamLovinLife

  4. Great ideas Nikki and it is almost the weather for soup isn’t it? I take Magnesium especially as I run regularly and long distances. I do love tea and actually my daughter who is heavily pregnant could probably do with some heart burn tea. Lovely to connect via Lovin’ Life Linky and I’ve subscribed.

    1. The nights are soup worthy, its just the days that still think it is summer. I am not complaining though, its one of the things I love about living in Brisbane.

  5. I do like the sound of some of these teas. I like to keep hydrated throughout the day with plenty of water or sparkling water and a few cups of black tea. I must try some of these infused waters. They sound delicious. #TeamLovinLife

  6. Thanks for the cool advice, I will definitely try it with my family. We already eat a lot of vegetables, and I drink a lot of green tea, but lately I’ve been thinking that we should do something more to boost our immune systems. Your pointers will be a good place to start.

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