Five Tips for a Stress Free Business Trip

Five Tips for a Stress Free Business Trip

Let’s be honest, living out of a suitcase for the sake of a company isn’t as fabulous or glamorous as everyone makes it out to be. Your mother would beg to differ, after all – you’re jet setting off to Paris, what are you complaining about? What she doesn’t know is that your short three day trip will be comprised of endless meetings inside four walls, instead of experiencing the whole Midnight in Paris thing because you’ll be so darn tired. Between the prepping, organising and planning, travelling for corporate reasons can leave professionals wanting to pull their hair out. Whether you’re hopping from flight-to-flight or flying out for an annual meet-up, take the stress out of your business trip with these five handy tips.



Leave it to the Travel Management Company

The boss gave you free reign to plan your own business trip? Fun right? What may initially seem like a simple task can even turn perfectionists into an indecisive ball of stress. You want to impress the man up top with your organising skills, but searching through deal websites, accommodation pages and organising your way to the conference is time consuming to say the least. Not to mention staying on budget. For this reason, a travel management company comes in handy. They are the perfect solution to help on organising your business travel trip. They will plan your trip right down to the very last detail, be on call 24/7 and deliver it all within your designated budget.

Keep on Top of it with an App

There’s that old saying (well it’s relatively new) that there is an app for everything! If packing luggage is your Achilles heel, you can rest assured because Packing Pro is here to save the day. So it may have the interface of a 2002 website, Packing Pro is the app of choice to ensure you don’t leave anything behind. It’s not just for packing though, it also encourages you to include your departure date and destination so it can be used for future reference. Besides Packing Pro, apps including Flight Tracker, allows users to keep up-to-date with all the details of your flight in reference to delays, gate, boarding time and god forbid – cancellation.

Dealing Jet Lag

Jet lag isn’t so much stressful as it is annoying. You can’t always beat it, but there are ways of managing it so it doesn’t affect your trip. Staying hydrated and packing healthy food for the flight are smart ways of avoiding stomach problems. If you’ve got a long haul flight, invest in some quality sleeping pills to help catch some shut-eye.

Use Downtime to Catch Up on Work

Unfortunately, our workload back in the office doesn’t magically disappear while away on a trip. Use that downtime to catch up on any emails, reports or presentations that need to be completed while you’re waiting for your flight or on board the plane.

Do you travel for business? Share your tips in the comments below.

* Sponsored post with thanks, it helps pay my blogging bills 🙂


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